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Find Out what company you are – AMD or Nvidia? Personality Quiz

The eternal battle of gamers between the giant companies AMD and Nvidia has only grown over the years.

Have you ever wondered what company would you be, if you were a hardware company? AMD? or Nvidia?

By answering four questions, enjoy:)

  • Question of

    Choose your favorite computer OS?

    • Windows
    • Apple
    • Linux OS
    • ChromeOS
  • Question of

    Choose you favorite mobile OS

    • Android
    • iOS
    • I don’t really care about it
  • Question of

    What is your most important thing in your daily shoes?

    • comfort
    • Look
    • Brand
  • Question of

    When you had a free day, what would you do?

    • Hangout with friends
    • Watch TV
    • Learn new things

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