
The blocking of RT and Sputnik sets a serious precedent (of dubious legality) against freedom of expression

That Russia blocks media and social networks is censorship, but Europe also has a problem with freedom of expression. The decision of the European Union to block the Sputnik and Russia Today (RT) media for their “harmful disinformation” has brought to the table the debate on the extent to which freedom of expression is being limited.

A debate that is not only political, since some experts point out that this prohibition is not legal, since it corresponds to the different countries and not to the European Union this decision to block the media.

From Twitter to Telegram, all the major platforms comply with the blockade. Watching Sputnik or RT it was easy to realize that most of the news was focused from a point of view similar to that defended by the government of Vladimir Putin. In an attempt to prevent “the Kremlin’s media machinery from spreading its lies”, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced this measure, which days later

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