
We already know where humanity originated: at coordinate 19.4N, 33.7E (approximately)

Look at the cover image. It doesn’t say much, I know, and beyond a vast, boring, monochromatic spit of sand with the Nile River as the only point of color it doesn’t evoke much. A lost point in Sudan, located about 370 kilometers from the Red Sea and just 280 from the border with Egypt. No more. That remote and lost corner may have played a key role in history, however. Moreover, it could be the first chapter. At least, from what we know today. Why? It is the place to which a group of Oxford researchers have traced their efforts to create a gigantic family tree that includes several tens of millions of ancestors.

The British team, which has just published its findings in Science, has dedicated itself to applying computer models to an extensive list of 6,500 genomes, both modern and ancient, to create an enormous genealogy. In total, they covered more than 215 human populations in order to see how they are linked and record

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